Using Window Envelopes with QuickBooks Online

The following is a quick guide on how to set up the use of window envelopes in QuickBooks Online.

  1. Go to the Custom Form Styles List. Do this by clicking the Gear Icon and under the Your Company Column you will find the Custom Form Styles Link.



  1. In the list window, you can choose to edit an existing form template or create a new one using the New Style button on the top right hand side.
  2. Currently there are five layout templates that Intuit allows you to choose from. Three of them are window envelop compatible (Airy, Modern, Friendly) and two are not (Fresh, Bold). Choose a compatible template you would like to use.
  3. Finally, in the Appearance tab, make sure the Window Envelope Compatible Box is checked.customformstylesscreenshot2



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